Billy Strayhornの曲です、、3個の演奏で楽しみましょう まずは、Joe Henderson
Johnny Come Lately by Billy Strayhorn
From Joe Henderson Album - LUSH LIFE the music of Billy Strayhorn
Joe Henderson- Tenor Saxophone
Wynton Marsalis- Trumpet
Stephen Scott- Piano
Christian Mcbride- Bass
Gregory Hutchinson- Drums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
そして、これがオリジナルJohnny Come Lately-Duke Ellington
Album: the strayhorn touch
Cecil Taylor & Gigi Gryce - At Newport - 01 - Johnny Come Lately
These 1958 album feature Hodges backed by both Ellington and Billy Strayhorn on piano and such non-Duke luminaries as Ben Webster, Roy Eldridge, Harry "Sweets" Edison, and Jo Jones. Like its companion album, Back to Back, Side by Side has a loose, jam session feel, with all the soloists stretching out.
Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges Side By Side (Full Album)
Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges Side By Side (Full Album) Heard on Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges's album Side by Side, recorded on August 1958 in .
These 1958 album feature Hodges backed by both Ellington and Billy Strayhorn on piano and such non-Duke luminaries as Ben Webster, Roy Eldridge, Harry .
Heard on Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges's album Side by Side, recorded on August 1958 in Nola Studios, New York City and February 1959 in Columbia .
Wiki:Hi-Fly Karin Krog(Vo) Archie Shepp(Ts) Charles Greenlee(Tb), Jon Balke(P), Arild Andersen(B), Beaver Harris(Ds), Cameron Brown(B) Recorded June 23, 1976.
Modern Jazzの時代になって、日本のJazz喫茶でもっとも多くの日本人聴いたC Jam Bluesは、Red Garland Trioのアルバム”Groovy”のトップに収録されたC Jam Bluesだろう
マイルスのコンボで活躍したRed Garlandの一番人気のaアルバム 私も、1970年代にJazz喫茶で最初に聴いたときにアルバム・ジャケット・デザインに魅入られてしまった。 真面目に聴いても良し、ながら族で聴いても邪魔にならない、素敵な時間を与えてくれる作品だ。 アルバム・ジャケット・デザインが秀逸なので、CDではなく、レコードで所有したい一枚だね。 1. C-Jam Blues 2. Gone Again 3. Will You Still Be Mine? 4. Willow Weep for Me 5. What Can I Say (After I Say I'm Sorry?) 6. Hey Now Red Garland : Piano Paul Cha,bers : Bass Arther Taylor : Drums May 24,August 9. 1957 1957年は、マイルス・コンボの第一次黄金期 当時は、Red Garland (p) Paul Chambers (b) Philly Joe Jones (d) というリズム・セクションなんですが、ドラムだけが違いますね Wiki:C Jam Blues
"Yardbird Suite" is a bebop standard composed by Charlie Parker in 1946.The title derives from Parker's nickname "Bird", respectively "Yardbird". Wiki:Yardbird Suite